Carvalho Coffee
When we began printing labels and supplying stock bags for Carvalho Coffee ( www.carvalhocoffee.ca ), we knew we wanted to help them do more. While off-the-shelf bags are a great starting point, and of course it’s what’s inside that counts, we know that many consumers base their purchases on the look of the packaging. A premium-tasting coffee brand deserves premium packaging, and with such an amazing tasting product, this coffee deserves to be in every home, office, home office…you name it!
The move to custom can sometimes feel like a giant leap, and we didn’t want our friends at Carvalho Coffee to feel alone on this journey.

Carvalho Coffee Concepts:
Carvalho Coffee After:

The history of this coffee is what really intrigued us. From their website, in their own words:
This farm began when the great-grandmother of Fazenda Cachoeira’s present owners bought the first coffee farm near Poços de Caldas, bordered between São Paulo and Minas Gerais.
The family’s traditions are kept alive today by its fifth generation of coffee growers who produce over 200,000 bags of the finest Brazilian Arabica on several farms located in the choicest areas of the country: the very best of Brazilian Coffee.
The new generations of the family have been able to balance tradition and modernity, personal attention and technology, grower posed by the growing specialty coffee market has prompted the family to use the Bourbon and other high-quality varieties in all new plantings.
— carvalhocoffee.ca
If you know a business that could benefit from the RT | Foundation award, contact us! We are always accepting nominations.
About RT | Foundation
We love our customers; from ordering stock packaging, to custom designs, to our digitally printed labels and packaging. Rootree encounters a lot of businesses and products; we know a great product with a ton of potential when we see one (and with over 25,000 satisfied clients, we also know a good design when we see one).
That’s why we created the Rootree Foundation Awards. This distinction is typically awarded to a business who is currently ordering stock packaging or digital labels from us, but we see major potential for them and want to help them move into upgraded, premium packaging.
The recipient receives a complimentary overhaul of their package design, compliments of our in-house creative services team. We then work together to determine the perfect custom pouch sizing – no more fitting the brand to a stock bag, we fit the custom bag to the brand. Once the client has approved the design, we print the new packaging, and send it on its way. We love seeing brand new, custom packaging in action!
We want our customers’ businesses to thrive, because their success is our success.