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So, you’re in the market for some sustainable packaging options. We’re happy you’re here! You may have some questions about all the different eco-friendly packaging options, and which one is “the best.” While that is a common question, there are rarely any clear-cut answers in the world of sustainability. Good news — we have the low-down on what eco-friendly packaging solution might be right for your brand.

At Rootree, we uphold our commitment to environmental responsibility with our ongoing partnership with Bullfrog Power. Over the past year, our partnership with Bullfrog Power has helped avoid 81 tonnes of C02e – not sure exactly what that means? We will break it down for you. Avoiding 81 tonnes of C02e is equivalent to taking 18 cars off the road for one year, switching 3,066 lightbulbs to LEDs, and growing 39 hectares of forest for one year!