Can a cup of coffee help the world?
“What if we sold our coffee to friends and neighbours, create a community, take some of the money we make from it and give. We can connect people and what they’re doing everyday (like drink coffee) and create a collective where every day, every cup of coffee that you drink is doing something”
-Mary, co-founder of Saw-Dog Coffee Roasters

When the Stars Aligned
“We’re in this relaunching phase and seeing this ad… the timing couldn’t have been more right… It was my sign.”

From discussing all the packaging options to material finishes and packaging sizes, the Saw-Dog team was thrilled to have their voices heard throughout the entire process. Mary and Tom also got to learn all about Rootree’s sustainability commitments, including how bags are produced in such a way that it reduces production waste. The Saw-Dog team loved exploring the possibilities of how their business can be efficient and sustainable in what they’re creating.
A Cup Full of Creativity
Working with the Creative Services team, Mary and Tom got to choose their new packaging design from a couple different options that had been created. They were happy to know that if any adjustments needed to be made to the packaging, the Rootree team was there to help.  Reflecting on the design process, Mary said, “it was not stressful, there was never a lack of communication.”

Creating a Strong Brew

About the RT | Foundation